G3 Pro Colour Restorer


G3 Pro Colour Restorer uses advanced lightweight polishing abrasives, which can permanently remove small flaws such as minor scratches, photooxidation, aggressive polishing micro-scratches and sap marks, allowing the paint to regain its original appearance in the showroom Medium gloss and flawless effect.

For best results, please use G3 Pro Shine Cleansing Shampoo to clean the entire body surface before repainting, and after repainting, use G3 Pro Spray Wax, G3 Pro Super Bright Palm Liquid Wax or G3 Pro Ultra Bright Palm Paste Wax is gloss protected for perfect gloss.

Remove paint spirals and slight scratches, repair paint fading, comprehensively improve paint effect, restore fading and oxidize the color and gloss of car body surface. It does not contain silicone and can be used safely in auto repair shops.


1. 在工作前请先保证整个车身干净清爽。轻微浸湿白色华夫饼状涂抹盘。

2. 将少量G3 Pro 漆面颜色重塑剂倒在涂抹盘上。

3. 直线来回移动涂抹盘,先左右再上下。

4. 均匀施压,不断重复上述动作,直至获得理想漆面修复效果。

5. 最后使用一块柔软洁净的干燥抹布擦除所有残留物。

