G3 Pro Resin Superwax


G3 Pro Resin Superwax uses an interconnected protection system composed of high-end carnauba wax, montan wax and paraffin wax. It is an easy-to-use concentrated wax that provides a mirror-gloss effect on the car surface and has been unprecedented for 4 months. Efficient protection.

This wax protects the body from the accumulation of dust and stains in daily traffic.

It has a unique multi-component interconnected protection system combined with the paraffin's easy spreading characteristics. The use of montan wax can shorten the polishing time. The hard carnauba wax can provide solid glaze protection. Get three things in one go, a full-featured protective wax.

Long-lasting, high-gloss surface effect, easy to spread and spread texture, forming surface protection for up to 4 months!


1. 使用前先充分摇匀,并确保待处理表面干爽且一尘不染。

2. 将少量树脂超级蜡倒在G3 Pro 黑色华夫饼状涂抹盘上。

3. 在均匀压力下圆周重叠走向移动涂抹盘,避免塑料刮痕。

4. 待蜡雾化后,使用一块洁净柔软且干燥的抹布将其抛光,以获得镜面光泽效果。

