G3 Pro Supergloss Paste Wax


G3 Pro Supergloss Paste Wax is a highly refined wax with a perfectly blended texture, designed for even application.

Made with carefully selected hydrocarbons, microcrystalline waxes and high-quality carnauba waxes for exceptionally high gloss and long-lasting surface protection for up to 6 months.

"This product is the easiest to apply and polish surface polish wax I have ever used."-JP Details

Ultra-high gloss appearance, effective protection for up to 6 months, a waffle-shaped spreading plate is included with the product.


1. 使用前请先确保待处理表面干爽且一尘不染。

2. 使用G3 Pro 黑色华夫饼状涂抹盘将G3 Pro 超亮棕榈膏蜡均匀涂抹在待处理表面。

3. 在均匀压力下圆周重叠走向移动涂抹盘,避免塑料刮痕。

4. 等待G3 Pro 超亮棕榈膏蜡停留雾化。

5. 使用一块洁净干燥的微纤维布为其抛光,以获得镜面光泽效果。



