
Smart and modular hospital to disrupt construction and challenge inequalities in global healthcare

At the 3rd China International Import Expo (CIIE 2020) Saint-Gobain, a leading manufacturer of sustainable and innovative construction and high-performance materials, Aden Group, one of Asia’s largest integrated facility-management companies and Dassault Systèmes, a world leader in providing collaborative 3D virtual environments and creating virtual twin experiences of the real world held an inauguration ceremony to announce their collaboration on Akila Care, a turn-key, smart hospital which, thanks to its modular architecture and virtual twin platform, can be planned, constructed and operational within 150 days, anywhere in the world.

Akila Care will address longstanding imbalances in access and quality of medical care in the developing world. Because Akila Care offers both accelerated construction (150 days) and a long-term footprint (+20 years), traditionally underserved regions will be empowered to expand and maintain high-quality medical coverage at lower cost due to efficiencies created through the platform. Further, modular architecture allows Akila Care to quickly be expanded or adapted over its lifespan based on local needs. As a high-tech and turn-key facility, Akila Care is equipped with advanced medical equipment and technology, including state-of-the-art tools to fight infectious diseases like COVID-19, but it can also be constructed as a general-purpose hospital or can transition between general use and infection control during public health emergencies.

This endeavor, initiated by Aden Group and Dassault Systèmes in April 2020, is powered by Akila Care, a unique asset-management virtual twin solution which they have co-developed leveraging the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. This will facilitate an end-to-end virtual collaborative environment for the design, simulation and development of medical facilities as well as boosting the site’s performance and sustainability through optimization of operations and asset & utility maintenance over the entire product lifecycle. Saint-Gobain’s latest materials and solutions will allow the Akila Care hospital to minimize its consumption of energy, optimize its C02 emissions and maximize the comfort and health of facility users by optimizing acoustics, temperature, air quality and more. Its modular systems will significantly shorten the time of construction.

Sylvain Laurent, Executive Vice President of Dassault Systèmes said: “2020 marks a special year to all the people worldwide. It is also a starting point that Dassault Systèmes move strategic focus ‘from Things to Life.' The 3DEXPERIENCE platform is the catalyst and enabler of human progress. By collaborating with Aden and Saint-Gobain, we commit to providing the Akila Care solution with a holistic, integrated, end-to-end virtual twin experience to make our alliance a showcase for the future delivery of mission-critical infrastructure.”

Joachim Poylo, Co-Founder and President of Aden Group stated: “The global healthcare crisis is far bigger than just COVID-19. In reality, it’s about a long-term trend of population growth, especially in places where medical infrastructure is badly outdated or barely exists. Akila Care helps governments meet this growing pressure with a cost effective solution.”

Francois Amman, Co-Founder and Co-President of Aden Group stated: “Akila Care is a true breakthrough, leveraging the full force of advanced technologies to deliver high-quality, accessible healthcare infrastructure that can easily plug in with the latest innovations. It’s fundamentally transforming the way countries think about healthcare by reducing dependency on old medical systems.”

Javier Gimeno, Senior Vice President and CEO Asia-Pacific Saint-Gobain stated: “I feel very proud that Saint-Gobain is taking part in such a meaningful collaboration with Aden Group and Dassault Systèmes. By deploying this innovative concept, I am convinced that our Company is contributing, modestly but certainly, to make the world a better home”.